We last contacted approximately 6-7 years ago. He then mentioned that he did try to reach me years back but my phone number is not in service. He then invited me to his office while waiting for my Kak Rosnah to return from site inspection.
He also contacted Kak Rosnah informing that someone insisted to meet up with her. While waiting for Kak Rosnah, both my friend and I had long conversation. I believe if we are able to put things a side, we can even talked for hours. Imagine for six years we had lost contact certainly there are loads to catch up and shared. When Kak Rosnah finally reach office, together we went to nearby McDonalds for lunch. Thank you my dear friend for the lunch treat. I greatly appreciated it. I am glad to see you are doing good. I hope it still not late to wish you have blissful marriage life and may it last till Jannah.
I received a touched message from my beloved friend; "Whatever it is, I'm truly sorry for what had happened, leaving you without any news. I'm grateful to Allah Almighty to give me the time to see you again. Hope you are well and happy. Ameen." How many of your friends will do this?This message made me emotional for a moment. I am glad that we are still friends even though we are not together. We believe things happen for a reason, why we cannot be together but we are destined to Best Friend Forever.
All the best to you my dear friend. Do stay in touch and I hope this time you know where to find me.
This song is one of my BFF's favourite song.
Title: Angin Malam
Singer: Broery Marantika.
This song is one of my BFF's favourite song.
Title: Angin Malam
Singer: Broery Marantika.
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