Monday, October 13, 2014

#Makansutra: Reunion Dinner with SIN & CGK Families at Kampung Chai Chee Seafood Restaurant, 12 Oct 2014

303 Changi Road Singapore 419781
Tel: 6841 5005

Kak Anna, Grandma, Mum, Mbah Phud

Lil Tyson, Andyanto (BIL), Dad, Mas Wibowo, Mas Muladi, Mas Bambang

My youngest Aunty (right) with relatives from Jakarta (CGK)

Kak Rina, let the feast begin...

Aftermath... Need to clear the table before the next event

Grandma, Kak Anna, Mum, Mbah Phud, Kak Rina

Dad with Mas Muladi

Mas Wibowo  and Mas Bambang Winarso giving a speech

Prayers before we continue our next event

Hurry up, I want the durian cake... hehe

My fave Durian Cake. I can't resist anything contain durian.

The October babies...
Happy Anniversary to Mas Wibowo & Kak Anna
Happy birthday to Mum, Mas Muladi and... Ooops sorry I forgot your name.

My darling niece, Natalie aka Nur Qistina Natalia

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