Monday, November 24, 2014

#Wonderful Indonesia: Living Asia & Spa Resort, Lombok, Senggigi Beach - Day 1

Day 1 - GA823 SIN-CGK

5.25am: Check-in for my flight to Lombok, transit in Jakarta for 2 hours. The only flight which will reach Lombok in the afternoon, 1.55pm (Indonesia Time).

Frogs symphony inside the transit area.
06:25am: Gate Open. Since I am among the early bird who already inside the transit area since 6.00am waiting for gate to open. The security scanning was easier for me. I do not need to rush.


06:55am: Boarding. Seat 26J

I was given a seat between two gentlemen. One is an ang moh while another is an Indonesian. I'm stressed seating between these guys and I kept bothering the ang moh since he seated along the aisle.

GA823 safely landed CGK, Soekarno-Hatta Airport at 0803hrs.

It was quite a hassle transiting in Jakarta. Since it my first time and travel alone. I was required to pass Immigration but need not collect my baggage and should not exit out. However, I need to proceed to the boarding Gate F4 to join my onward flight GA430. I already have my boarding pass for the onward flight to Lombok. The weather is killing me. It is super humid and I do not feel any cold air even though the area is enclosed. I still find nothing can beat Changi Airport.

Challenge I faced while waiting for boarding, my eyes want to close. I forced myself to stay awake till I board my flight. I guess once reached my hotel accommodation. I need to get a quick nap before exploring the area.

10:18am: Last minute change of boarding gate from F4 to F5. Good thing I do not put on my earpiece if not I may miss the flight. Now waiting for boarding at the new Gatehold Room.

In the aircraft at Soekarno-Hatta Airport before departing for Lombok
Alhamdulillah, thank you Almighty. Please guide me and allowed me to reach my destination. Aamiin ya rabb.

Picture taken when flight about to land. We are reminded to off our mobile phone.
Since my phone was on flight mode. I just took the picture. I swear the images are not zoom.
It was really near the residential area. Wish I can record this...

The Lombok International Aiport
Airport Code: LOP

The hotel representative, Anjas was friendly. He even provided his mobile number if I need assistance. He is a native here and engaged by Living Asia & Spa Resort to promote places of interest in Lombok.

There are few shots which I have taken from the Lombok International Airport to my hotel accommodation.

Mosque is a symbol of Lombok.
You can see mosques almost everywhere.

View from uphill

View from the ground... Living Asia & Spa Resort, Senggigi Beach

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