Sunday, December 14, 2014

#WonderfulIndonesia: Jakarta - Day 2 - Wedding Solemnisation Yudha & Dina

Wedding Invitation
Solemnisation: 8:00am
Reception: 11:00pm
Walk to my sisters room but they still not ready yet. 

Little Tyson and Natalie on bed while waiting adults to be ready.

The solemnization has begin
Congratulation Yudha & Dina
May you have blissful marriage life and may it lasts till Jannah. Aamiin ya rabb.

After the solemnisation, the groom's uncle give an advised to the newly wed couple.
The solemnisation started at 8:00am. After the solemnisation, the groom's uncle give an advised to the newly wed couple. This is different from Singapore as after solemnisation, they will just exchange ring and that's all.

After that they provide breakfast for the guests.

The reception ceremony, bride and groom walk on the red carpet accompanied by both parents and siblings. Watch the video below for details.

At the Dias both parents wearing same outfit unlike in Singapore
My sister, Nora and BIL, Andy with the bride and groom.

Kak Manisah and family with the bride & groom
My sister, Aisha with her daughter, Natalie

Kak Manisah with Princessa Natalie

My sister, Aisha with Natalie together Bu Anna with her son.

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