Monday, July 11, 2016

#Newsflash: Armed herdsmen attack farmers in North Darfur

July 10, 2016 (El FASHER). A group of armed herdsmen Sunday has attacked some farmers in Kutum locality, some 100 kilometres west of El Fasher the capital of North Darfur. Many people were reportedly injured during the incident.
A woman, irrigates, crops, Kabkabiya, camp, North Darfur (Public Domaine Images Photo)

Kutum Commissioner, Adam Awad al- Karim, told Sudan Tribune that some armed herdsmen forcibly grazed their animals on farms in the Fatbrino area in Kutum locality.

The commissioner said that herdsmen opened fire wounding a number of people when farmers tried to protect their crops.

“When we received complaints (about the armed attack), we sent a joint law enforcement force to the scene and the wounded people were evacuated to Kutum hospital,” said Awad al- Karim.

He pointed that Kutum security committee has decided to deploy the joint force outside Kutm to prevent further attacks.

Awad al- Karim further said that a joint security committee from Kutum and Al-Waha County and the Native Administration met on Sunday and agreed to consider the situation and ways to address any activities that might disturb the ongoing agricultural season.

"We are sorry for what happened, especially since the agricultural season is very promising, "Awad al-Karim said, adding " Unfortunately, mountains and wastelands are green, but the herders enter their livestock in the farms".

During the rainy season, usually various clashes erupt between herdsmen and farmers in some areas in North Darfur leading to violence and killing.

These incidents create fears among farmers and dissuade displaced people willing to return voluntarily to their home villages or those intending to return back to their areas during the cultivation season.

The police station and attorney office reopened in Kutum Locality in November last year for the first time since the outbreak of violence in September 2012.

News and photo from Sudan Tribune

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