Wednesday, August 03, 2016

#healthInfo: Adenovirus Treatment Help

Some illnesses resemble others which makes for a hard diagnosis by your doctor. Adenovirus is no exception. It often can resemble bacterial infections which are often treated with antibiotics and the signs and symptoms of an adenovirus infection can be diverse. The only problem is that antibiotics do not work to fight off the Adenovirus infection. It is vital that certain tests are performed so that an accurate diagnosis can be made. Testing of the blood, urine, respiratory, or conjunctival secretions, and a stool sample are all recommended depending on the symptoms exhibited, after which adenovirus treatment can begin.

Adenovirus Treatment
Hospitalization is usually not required in children with the adenovirus but sometimes if an infant is affected a different course of action may be followed and monitoring may be necessary. It is imperative to keep the body well hydrated as a loss of fluids through vomiting and diarrhea is common. Be especially wary if the affected is a young child or infant as they may not take in all the necessary fluids by themselves. Sometimes hospitalization is necessary in these cases.

In most cases, however, the human body will get rid of the virus on its own when it is given enough time to do so. As is usually the case, plenty of rest and fluids are the normal course of action for adenovirus treatment. In addition, a vaporizer (humidifier) can be used to aid in the easing of congestion and help in respiration.

What About Medications? 

Generally, acetaminophen can be administered to help treat a fever and general discomfort caused by the adenovirus. Never give aspirin to a child because there is a risk of developing Reye’s Syndrome which can be life threatening. In addition, do not use over-the-counter cough medicines if you have a sick child. Always check with your doctor first before taking or giving medications to yourself or someone who is ill.

What Is The Duration Of The Adenovirus? 
The adenovirus will generally work its way out of the body within a few days to a week in a healthy individual, and specific adenovirus treatment will not be necessary. Respiratory infections and pneumonia can last longer, anywhere from two to four weeks. Adenoviral Conjunctivitis can persist for a few days while Keratoconjunctivitis can last up to several weeks at most. Diarrhea can sometimes have lingering effects for a couple of weeks so care must be taken to get plenty of rest and maintain plenty of fluid intake.  Perhaps the most important thing to consider during adenovirus treatment is to let the body rest and recover.

Additional Precautions 
It is vital that you consult a doctor if other symptoms are exhibited, as adenovirus can resemble other, more serious conditions. Consult your doctor if:

  • A severe fever is observed or if the fever persists for several days.
  • Breathing problems are exhibited.
  • The patient is a child under 3 months.
  • Symptoms seem to get worse after one week.
  • Severe dehydration is setting in. If you notice sunken eyes, infrequent urination, dry mouth, and tiredness, this could be a warning sign of dehydration.
  • Swelling and redness surrounding the eyes which becomes more severe or is painful

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