Saturday, February 04, 2017

#Random: Friendship ties

Mustafizur, Mizanur, Habibur and Ramen 

It is their culture before food is served, guest will be served fruits. However, in Singapore, desserts are served after the main course.

Food prepared by Chef Mizanur. I love the spiciness but a bit salty. 
Thank you so much Habibur and wife for the hospitality and the invitation. Thank you, Chef Mizanur for preparing this dishes for me.

Friendship ties regardless of race, language, nationality or religion. Thank you for accepting as one of your friends. I have a great time with this bunch and also lost cause at times they speak in Bengali. They forgot that I still exist in front of them. They are expecting me to master their language.

We are also teammates. We work together in the same company, division and site office. May this friendship last forever. Aamiin ya rabbi.

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