Wednesday, November 26, 2014

#Wonderful Indonesia: Living Asia & Spa Resort, Lombok, Senggigi Beach - Day 3

As usual, breakfast from 7.00am-10.00am.

Before sightseeing, time for selfie with the monopod. Thank you Coei for lending me your monopod.
Here are the few shots.

I met the hotel representative at 10.00am to for my sightseeing.

Sightseeing 1:

Jln Tumpang Sari No. 14, Cakranegara, Lombok, Indonesia
Tel: (62) 3706621329
This is one of the popular spot for tourist to get souvenirs for their loved ones. They range from key chains, fridge magnets, flip flop, clothes for kids and adults. The lists can go on and on. I shopped till I almost drop. However, this is my first time ever shopping for souvenirs.

Sightseeing 2:
I went to another souvenir store but not merchandises but food. My relative from Jakarta, suggested me to purchase 'Dodol Ampai Rumput (Dodol means taffy made of sticky rice, coconut milk and palm sugar. While Ampai Rumput means seaweed.)

I end up buying two packets of dodol ampai rumput, 1 packet of seaweed sweets, 1 box of dodol ampai rumput durian, 1 box of tomato sweets, 1 large pack of Lombok crackers. This cause me to figure out how I can squeeze all in one luggage.

Sightseeing 3:

Located the north of Lemar and about six miles south of Mataram.
It is known for the elaborately decorated pots. There are no potters wheels.

Women learn how to shape and mould the pots.
All the pots, vases, plates and jugs are hand drawn.
Before painting

Look at their creativity. Isn't it pretty?
I did not get one cause I'm worried it will be broken before it could reach SIN.
Sightseeing 4:
Bhari Weaving Group
Location: Sukarara Jonggat Central Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. 

Sukarara Village is the name of a lovely little village and is one of the traditional craft of weaving centre. The village has a population approximately 800 people.  The corporation has been set up for seven years. The village guide, Bapak Billy shared that the women of Sakurara unable to get married if they do not mastered weaving techniques and complete at least one 'sarong' or woven fabric. They normally did their weaving at the porch area. Since age of 10, their children are taught on how to weave a good and right to get a good quality woven later. For a 'sarong' it will take approximately one to one and half a month to complete depending on the motif or design.

The traditional loom for weaving.
The women busy weaving
Motif or Design: Star
Motif or Design: Subhanallah
Look at the bright colours and creativity.

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